I usually do this, cuz it made me relax and to not to be boring.For some of the reasons I have to do this for 2 years.
I've played games since 5 year of my life cuz my father opend a little game plcae that is full with Ps-2. That was a peak time lol.
Ya know a movie that named Shawshanks Redemption That moive contains varible type of genres 10/10 moive .
I did sport for long time since my 8th year old. I started playing sport with Football but Basket-ball took my heart lol:3.
My hobby is buying plenty of cars but I can't afford it during my life time may be in anothert life lol.
Since I came to Japan cuz watching anime is one of my favourite things. Favourite anime was Spritted away 2001.
Html is my first web coding language so everyone the web carrier path will get it well.
Css is like that you have never end when you learning about that. For the web designer like me will like css the most.
Java script is my fav language of all time. It's like calculating during the student life time lol.
Miura sensei teached my how Java works. He's so awesome when teaching me. May be he's the best sensei.
When coding for 1st year, I didnt know how to responsive a website. At that time I've learnt how to make responsive web.
About networking and data-base, I dont even know alittle but my sensei had promised me to understand that very well.